Ah Melbourne!! I loved this city! Not only did I get to go to an Aussie Rules Football Game but I scored free accommodation with a friend's family!! An night where I don't have to worry about someone stealing my shit? Sweet!
It takes about a half an hour of watching this game to figure out what the hell is going on. My favorite play is when, (unlike in the NFL,) a guy is going for a kick with no padding and someone from the other team runs into him full steam from twenty yards out. I'm going to throw it out there....these guys are probably tougher than I am.
Since it was standing room only we had to make do and have drinks with the fans from both sides.
Practically everyone showed up to watch the game...even the Ku Klux Klan!
It's good!
The next day some friends and I took off for the Queen Victoria Market which is where you'd go to find 50 pairs of socks for $12. Or a belt buckle with a skull and cross bones on it. Or get a discount on an airport transport container for pets. You can get pretty much everything here!
After a couple of hours at the market I needed a rest so I opted to check out of the hostel where I was staying and head on over to my friend Charlie's place. Chuck wasn't there but his family had been given a brief and let me in anyway.
This is a view out of their window, that's how close to the rugby stadium they are.
No I didn't end up in prison. Well I sort of did but as a tourist. This is a picture of the Old Melbourne Gaol where such notorious criminals as Ned Kelly were hung.
By the way, in case you're ever in Australia or apparently England, the word "Gaol," is not pronounced "ga-oul." It's actually an alternate spelling of the word "Jail." I'm just letting you know you idiot so that when you are asking directions for the place the locals don't say, "What the hell are you on about mate?" and then I looked at my shoes embarrassed.
I'm not saying Ned Kelly wasn't a bad ass or anything but it would have been pretty hard to ride away from a bank robbery all inconspicuous like dressed like a Night's Templar in a dominatrix outfit.
136 people met there death at this very spot. That's the beam and the trap door used in most of the hangings. Cool!