I arrived in Sydney and this was the last leg of the Aussie part of my trip. In a few days I fly out to Vietnam into a whole new world. (Shining, shimmering spleeeeendor!) Ads was nice enough to put me up for a few days so I repaid him by taking him out to the ice bar with a few friends I'd met on the road. Pay $40 for two mix drinks and a half an hour of freezing your ass off? Who wouldn't be tempted? Since Adam wasn't a low-life like me, he actually had a job to go to in the morning so I had to amuse myself by taking in all the cultural aspects that make Sydney so unique. Like the museum for instance.
Told you I'd get pussy on this trip.
I thought this was pretty cool. A cow got his leg stuck in a barbwire fence and rather than remove the wire or turn him into a cheeseburger, the farmer did the only humane thing possible. He made the animal suffer for ten excruciating years just to show thousands of tourists what a healing bone looks like. Thanks Farmer Brown!
The bone ranger!
In all seriousness this museum was pretty cool. They had an exhibition on rare stones and gems, an exibit on aboriginal history, a skeletal section and.....hold it a sec......did that thing just move?!?
This might be my favorite picture that I took on the trip so far. I love that even the two year- old kid in the corner thinks I'm immature.
This exhibit "rocked." (Digging deep for material here.)
The Steve Hull of Spiders.
This specimen explained how I was to improve my love life.
I don't think this is quite what Jesus had in mind...
When you're by yourself you make your own fun. At this point the security guards started giving me weird looks so I decided it was time to depart the museum.
The next day I had breakfast at a cafe downtown. I thought these birds were pretty neat until I had to wrestle my milk and sugar packets away from them. This guy was even less amused.
Had to do it...................here's the second most taken picture of a tourist attraction in Australia......the Harbour Bridge! (Clash cymbals here.)
And here is the most taken photo of a tourist attraction in Australia. The tour was really impressive however, I even got to see all the different theatres within an hour which is a rare occurrence.
A few friends and I also made it over to Manley Beach and although it was cold it was still worth the fairy trip over!
Call me Wharf.
And so dear readers, it is here that a chapter in this story ends. Having spent a glorious four months touring New Zealand and now Australia, I must depart and continue the next saga in the adventure. South-East Asia.............heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer's Willie!!!!