Onwards and upwards!!! It was time to leave Adelaide and head into the Victoria territory. A dozen of us piled into a bus and off we went!
While very beautiful the weather took a turn for the worst on the second day and on one of our nature walks it actually started to snow!!
Damn straight.
After hiking for nearly an hour I got to the top of the cliff and took this picture just as my eyes were beginning to freeze shut.
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Damn it's cold!!!
The next day the weather cleared up and we continued our journey along the coast.
This drive really was impressive as millions of years of weathering and erosion left some remarkable rock formations. Luckily we had an experienced driver who took her job on the road very seriously, always keeping one hand at 10 o'clock and the other at 2.
Finally we made it to the "Twelve Apostles." I found the name highly ironic as a few of them have fallen down and toppled into the sea. Originally these formations were called the "Pig and its Sows," but the Australian government felt it could attract more tourists if they put a religious spin on things. How sacred.
We also stopped by a formation that used to be called "London Bridge" but the bridge had also fallen into the sea. Why do I bring this up you ask? Get this. Two tourists had just walked over the bridge and got stranded on what had become an island just off the coast. They had to get rescued by helicopter and it was on national television. I'm sure this would have been quite the adventure had it not been two people who were out for a little romantic rendezvous cheating on their spouses!!! BUSTED!!
Once again remarkable scenery. Weird story though. At the place we stopped for accommodation on the second night there was 14 of us and 16 beds. One of the remaining beds was occupied by a Dutch tourist who's brother had recently been a victim of the shooting in Melbourne, which was pretty sad. Luckily his brother is going to pull through with no permanent damage. So I thought to myself, lets play a game to try and lighten the mood and I chose an old camp game called "Johnny Whoops," that involves you tracing your hand into the air with the fingers of your other hand. This would have been a lot of fun except that the guy who's brother had been shot was missing one of his fingers........."Willie Whoops!!!"