This day went downhill pretty much as soon as I woke up. Part of the package I bought included a day trip to four different wineries located in Barossa Valley around the hills of Adelaide. On the way there we stopped by the biggest rocking horse in the world. But they were charging $2 to climb it.
So I climbed the little one instead.
Our first stop was the majestic Jacob's Creek which was one of the oldest wineries in the area. Being a red wine drinker of the opinion that all white wine tastes like vinegar, I was a little disappointed at having to "taste" about eight different white wines before the good stuff came along. I put the word "taste" in quotations because no one spits it least no one did in our group anyway. Down the hatch!
Our next stop was VineCrest which was my personal favorite. This was one of the smaller wineries in the area that had won hundreds of awards for their unique blend of berries. They also had a huge selection of red wines and since some of the people in our group hated red wine I offered to take their samples off their hands. You case my palette missed something the first time around...
At this point things began to get a little hazy. I figured that I had consumed approximately two bottles of wine and it wasn't even 10:00am yet. I also skipped breakfast so as to better prepare my mouth for the bold tastes that were to come.
I found a new friend outside the winery as I was rolling around in the grass outside the vineyard like an idiot.
My friend grew tired of me very quickly.
The next winery was Richmond Grove. I remember that it was very dark and cold for some stupid reason this was the only picture I took of the whole place. Oh! But they did serve bread sticks to us while we were wine tasting.........actually...........come to think of it........ they only make me eat the bread sticks while wine tasting....
On to beautiful Bethany!! I was so enthralled by this enchanting vineyard and the rolling hills that surrounded it that I bought two bottles of Shiraz Cabernet. I'm pretty sure that they just sold us the bottles to get us out of the place. We all smelled terrible, our speeches were slurred, our vision was blurred and our teeth looked like we'd eaten ten jam sandwiches and forgotten to brush. The bartender gave me a funny look when I asked him for Absinthe but I think he would have found some if I'd pressed him hard enough.
And get this. On the way home we stopped at a pub that told us if we each bought six beers they'd give us these Carleton trucker hats. I needed a hat anyway and since it was technically free I couldn't pass us such a good deal.
I think I was in bed by 7:30 that night.