After recharging my batteries, shifting 'er back into neutral, catching some z's....whatever you want to call it I was ready to get out there and get back at it. Surely it would be easier on the partying now that I was away from all those tea sipping Brits right? Wrong! As soon as I stepped off the Greyhound I ran into a bunch of Guinness chugging Irish that I met on Fraser Island. we go again!
We had almost been on the island for twenty whole minutes before we found a bar!
Still this island, located just east of Townsville, was very pretty and relaxing. There really wasn't much to do except soak in the sun, drive around in four by fours, play volleyball and chill out on the amazing beaches.
This is me being Hunter Thompson again.
With lack of a better idea, we decided to stroll out to the pier to see what the fishermen were up to. Fishing no doubt!
This is me being "artsy."
This is Alan using his therm-a-rest to keep his beer cold.
Well whadya know?
Honestly there's not that much else to write here, it was beautiful, the scenery was spectacular and we had a great time. The highlight of the trip had to be when Dave coerced two girls into the back of the 4 by 4 around midnight to help him drink a then unopened bottle of vodka with no mix. Will. Out.