Alright, alright!!! Are you happy?!? I'm updating the blog!!! Now you all have something to do at work besides your job!!! So the last night in Airlee Beach was my last night with the British crew that I was traveling with so they decided to throw me a little shing dig, which I thought was awfully nice of them! And wouldn't you know it but some of the crew from the BoomAAARRRRang even showed up to see me off! And guess what? Since they'd known I'd been away for awhile they decided to do it Canadian style and got the cook to make me up a tray of..........get ready for better sit down...........
POUTINE!!! Sweet, succulent poutine!! It melted in my mouth......actually it melted my mouth. It's been so long since I've eaten my favorite food group that I burned the living hell out of my upper palette but it was awesome all the same!
And wouldn't you know it? That day I decided to join "pedophiles unite," also known as "facebook," and I got a message from a friend telling me that Mike Keagan was actually working in Airlee Beach. I had no way to contact him but guess who I ran into at the bar I was at? And on his last night before he left for home! Some parties were just meant to be. We celebrated by forming a train on the dance floor during "500 miles."
Practically everyone showed up to send me off which was really swell! They even bought me a hat that made me look like a homosexual Hunter Thompson and all signed it!
And of course who could forget the three lovely sisters from the United States? You might remember them from the Whitsunday Sailing tour!!
It got REALLY hot in one of the club's we were at so the Americans decided to say goodbye to me by stripping down and showing me their cans.
Then they got thirsty. Careful! You're spilling!
I REALLY hope their father sees this blog......maybe he's on facebook???
My friends the pervs.....
Anywho, after making sure that my liver was about to explode I decided to head back to Bundaberg to get work which was a complete disaster. I won't even bother going into it because it's just not that interesting a story. I decided I needed to get my head on straight so I headed up to the joining towns of Agnes Water and 1770 for a little R & R. This town is amazing and if you ever make it to Aus, don't miss this spot and the hostel called "Cool Bananas."
No sooner did I check into my hostel did I discover that you could rent scooters shaped like chopper motorcycles. After watching the movie "Easy Rider," the whole way through, drawing up a tattoo of a heart with the word "mom" and an arrow through it, dawning a pair of kick-ass aviators and a wife beater with a skull and cross bones I felt I was sufficiently prepared.
I am all that is man.
So bad ass.
This is a picture of my gang's bikes. We stopped to look at kangaroos but I didn't see any because I was too busy taking pictures of myself and looking bad ass.
Still so bad ass.
Soon we'll be moving into Canada. We're actually the ones who got rid of the Banditos but we're blaming it on the Hells Angels so that we can team up with Satan's Choice to get rid of them too.
Our ride ended with a spectacular sunset and beers and chips by the ocean. This picture isn't bad ass, but that's because you can't see me mugging and old lady as I'm taking it.