I arrived in Sydney and headed straight for Darling Harbour to meet up with a couple of Americans I'd been travelling with in NZ. For the next three days things were really hazy. I know that I spent an absurd amount of money, my head hurt from about eight in the morning until whenever I started drinking that night, and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. When I arrived at the bar to meet up with Ryan and Ben they were drinking with the girls they were living with and all of us decided to go to the imax theater to see the premier of Spiderman 3. Everyone was really excited that I'd made it over to see them so we celebrated by getting absolutely blind drunk.
By 10:30 none of us could see straight and I suggested that since I had an abundance of duty-free liquor why didn't we crack some of it in the theater? This proved to be the start of our downfall.
By the time 12:00am rolled around we could all barely stand up having just finished going to three different bars in four hours. When we finally got seated we bought fountain pop and proceeded to pour a couple of fifths of Jim Beam into our cups. (Very high school I know...Peter Pan's got nothing on me.) By far the drunkest of us (Ryan) was so belligerent that he tried to get the packed theater to start chanting "Spiderman!" (Or at least that's what he explained to us he was trying to do the next morning.) Except all he did was turn around and scare the shit out of the people behind us by leering at them and screaming "TTHhhpider......MAN!" When this didn't work he got upset and started throwing handfuls of popcorn at the crowd bellow us. We were laughing so hard that we could barely stay in our seats, I thought for sure we were going to get thrown out but everyone in the theatre was either too nervous to do anything, found this spectacle as funny as we did, or else they were really into seeing this shitty movie.
Eventually the lights went out and Ryan finally lost some of his steam because he then passed out and as Ben pointed out later, he basically paid $23.50 to take a nap, since he slept through everything but the opening credits.
The rest of my time in Sydney was pretty much along these lines, I think the five of us, (including the two girls team USA lived with) managed to offend everyone in Sydney and it was not uncommon for us to be turned away from bars before we got within twenty feet of the doorway. I didn't see anything historic although Coogee Beach has a great night life and I glanced at the Opera house from the window of the bus on the way to a bar. Perhaps I'll be more of a tourist when I'm back here in two months. On to Mojo surf camp!
This was a highlight! I got picked up from Syndey along with about 20 other people my age and taken up north a few hours from Byron Bay. The camp owns their own secluded beach that's basically in the backyard of the accomidation.
We ate like kings and got surfing lessons during the day and at night we either sat around a campfire joking about our wipeouts or else played drinking games at a hut on the beach. I met a great group of people up there and most of us came to Byron Bay where I today. Oh and by the way, I can actually surf now although I'm much better at falling off the board and face planting into the beach!
Watch out for the Jellyfish......they sting.
One one particular night it was one of the instructors birthdays and some of the females in our group decided to handle the party arrangements themselves....(and yes he did sober up pretty quickly in the morning!)
Good times had by all!!!