Okay first things first. I'm sorry I lied to everyone about when I was coming home. As you may have heard, I (hopefully) will make it home for thanksgiving, my plane arrives in on October 4th at 6:30pm. The whole thing is supposed to be a big surprise for my family, who still think I'm coming home on the 9th, (Honestly, did they really think I'd miss Thanksgiving?). I'm sitting here in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) Vietnam, it's 10:04pm and my flight leaves tomorrow at six in the morning. I just found out my sister has to work Friday which is perfect because it means someone will be at the house tomorrow when I get there!
Second thing. Thank you all so much for all your encouraging words and I'm glad that those who wrote me enjoyed reading my blog. I had a blast writing it but there were times when I felt I couldn't be bothered and then I'd get a note from someone saying they're waiting for the next post. So thank you. Coincidentally if anyone wants to start their own blog there are lots of sites out there, the site I used was http://www.blogger.com/ but there are lots of others.
Third thing. My sister and her boyfriend and his house are planning a little welcome home party at the Stones Place on the 12th, would be great to see people there, open invitation so invite whoever you want! And yes I do realize that it's Queen's Homecoming that weekend and I won't be offended if you've made prior plans. But you still have to call me and take me out for beers to make up for it.......................By the way, Queen's University sent me an e-mail and when the Dean heard that I wouldn't be attending this year he called an emergency meeting to push the event back a weekend. So don't go making any travel arrangements quite yet.
I'll be up at my cottage this week, relaxing and contemplating what the hell I'll be doing next with my life. I have a rough idea that I'll be moving out west for the ski season come January and after that it's all up in the air. I do know one thing though. I'm not done traveling yet. Europe's calling my name and I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up there next fall. Probably blogging away as usual! Feel free to enlighten me with any insights you may have! (705) 684-9306. Oh and I don't have a cell phone anymore, my home phone is (416) 925-6869. I can't post this until the weekend so I hope you all have a great thanksgiving and I'll see you all soon!
Take 'er sleazy,
P.S. Thanks go to Steve Hull for the pic of me last year at post-camp!