This was one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. They fit you with wet suits and hard hats with little lights on them so you feel like a deap sea coal miner and then you repell down a 34m hole into the middle of this huge cave. After that it's a zip line in pitch darkness over an expanse and then you jump down into your tube that's sitting in 20 degree water. You raft for a few hours where the only light is the one from your headlamp and the millions of glow worms that are suspended above you. (They told us afterward that there are also a shitload of eels that breed down there and that sometimes they get a little frisky but we didn't see any!) In order to get out of the caves you basically have to rockclimb up two waterfalls which was a little tricky but honestly this was the coolest thing I have ever done! Now it's off to Taupo for a little sky diving.
Will. Out.